Laser Gum Treatment in Alberta

Fisher Periodontics is the pioneer in Alberta for LANAP surgery procedures.
Our extensive experience in this treatment has given our patients amazing results.

LANAP treatment is gentle, leaving healthy tissue undisturbed
Effective and minimally invasive gum disease treatment
LANAP treatment is fast and comfortable, with little to no discomfort
Research shows that 98% of LANAP patients experienced some degree of improvement


    Laser Gum Treatment in Alberta

    Fisher Periodontics is the pioneer in
    Alberta for LANAP surgery procedures.
    Our extensive experience in this treatment
    has given our patients amazing results.

    LANAP treatment is gentle, leaving
    healthy tissue undisturbed
    Effective and minimally invasive gum
    disease treatment
    LANAP treatment is fast and comfortable,
    with little to no discomfort
    Research shows that 98% of LANAP
    patients experienced some degree of improvement



      LANAP (laser-assisted new attachment procedure) is a patented form of laser periodontal therapy that uses specialized handpieces. The lasers are powered by a light fiber optic guide inserted under the gums. The light beam travels through the treatment area, heating the infected tissue and removing bacteria and diseased tissue without damaging healthy tissue.

      Patients find the LANAP laser gum treatment painless and more comfortable than traditional dental procedures since it doesn’t require surgery. Most of our patients also find that this procedure causes them little to no discomfort because there’s significantly less trauma on their gums compared to traditional periodontal surgical treatments.

      Overall treatment time is short, often less than 1.5 hour, with up to 3 visits spaced a few weeks apart. Results are noticed almost immediately and are usually long-lasting.

      LANAP treatment is the most effective and minimally invasive way to get rid of your gum disease. Dr. Fischer is the first periodontist in Alberta to offer this treatment, so he has the most experience in doing it.

      Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and get you started on the road to recovery.

      laser assisted new attachment procedure
      Lanap Gum Surgery Alberta


      LANAP can help prevent serious dental problems such as bad breath, gum disease, bone, and tooth loss. It can also increase your long-term dental health. Gum disease is a chronic condition that may cause any one or more of the following signs: Swollen, bleeding gums; severe bad breath (halitosis); pus oozing out from beneath your gum tissue.

      If you notice any of these symptoms – please consult your dental services provider and get treated immediately before it gets worse! The longer you wait (even a few months), the more significant the attachment loss will be.

      Schedule an appointment with Fisher Periodontics today.


      Your Periodontist will start by gently numbing your gums with a small injection. A special handheld laser device called a penlight is passed under the gums, removing infected tissue with gentle zaps, then antibacterial particles are applied to flush out any remaining bacteria.

      The handpiece is then waved around the gums to help heal the gum line, restoring a healthy pink color. Patients’ gums feel softer and painless immediately after treatment. The deep pockets between the teeth and gums shrink after treatment.

      Most patients notice that LANAP treatment has limited down-time. With proper care, your gums will heal and recover.

      Many different lasers are available, but LANAP is the only one approved by the FDA. The laser has been approved by the U.S and Canadian dental associations. In addition, a Canadian study found LANAP to be the most effective treatment for moderate to severe gum disease.

      lanap laser treatment
      Lanap Dental Procedure Alberta


      After your initial evaluation, your treatment will be customized to your needs. We will determine the best dental treatment plan for you based on the condition of your teeth, gums, and the type of gum disease you may have. After we create your customized treatment plan, we will discuss with you the exact timing of your treatment, how many sessions you will need to get the best results, and what post-care will be most important following your treatment.

      Call us if you have more questions regarding LANAP surgery treatments.


      Traditional gum disease treatments use manual scalpel surgery to remove teeth plaque or pockets in the gums. With LANAP, they no longer need to perform incisions, which allow for very little bleeding. This can result in a faster recovery time and fewer issues later on. Laser therapy treats the gum disease from its root – rather than just treating symptoms.

      LANAP is a state-of-the-art dental procedure for treating periodontal gum disease. It involves targeting the bacterial build-up on the teeth and gum tissues that are causing the infection. It uses a laser (usually called laser therapy) to zap these bacteria, as well as remove the deep gum pockets that have caused the infection. With these two procedures, periodontal disease is quickly and effectively treated.

      LANAP is a great option for those with gingivitis and/or more advanced periodontal disease. It works well in treating the early stages of periodontal infections and can prevent more serious problems down the road if you get treated right away!

      Fisher Periodontics may be able to help you if you are dealing with gum disease. Contact us today.

      The side effects of LANAP are generally very similar to other types of gum disease treatment. However, bleeding is less likely to occur with this new laser therapy procedure (though you may still experience some). Other side effects may also be experienced, including redness or swollen gums. You may experience soreness around the area where the laser was used for a few days.

      No. The laser is non-invasive, meaning that patients usually do not feel anything. While the laser is used in the treatment, many patients say it feels like a rubber band snapping against the gums. Some patients say that they get a “hair feeling” on the gums.

      A follow-up appointment is typically scheduled one week after LANAP treatment has been completed to verify the occlusion and gently clean around the treated areas. The patient will then need to follow a strict 3-month hygiene recall schedule for the first year post-LANAP to ensure the best possible outcome.

      Liquid diet for 24 hours, then a diet of “mushy” soft foods for 7 days to allow proper healing. You will be provided with a soft toothbrush to start cleaning the treated segments after 8 days of healing.

      Dental implants have been shown to be an excellent treatment for oral health issues. However, periodontal disease can still occur around implants (peri-implantitis). LANAP will greatly help reduce the gingival inflammation around implants as well.

      The laser treatment is generally affordable, costing about two or three times that of traditional gum treatments. This cost can be covered by the patient’s dental insurance.

      We all know how important it is to take care of our teeth and gums. If you’re feeling concerned and want to find the root cause of your tooth/gum pain, visit Fisher Periodontics. Dr. Fisher will examine your mouth before recommending treatment options that are best suited for YOU!

      Contact us to schedule an appointment for LANAP treatments.